F.U.A. is a Dutch light and heavy punk creation of four friends who are all self-taught musicians. The band started by accident when drummer Sander Pietersen was practicing with his friend at a local bar. That same day singer Daphne De Heij walked past and interested by the sounds, entered the bar.
It did not take long before she grabbed a microphone and bursted out some self-written lyrics.
Later F.U.A. was fully formed when bass player Robbert Van Der Bijl and eventually guitarist Mitchell Verschoor joined the group. The band started creating their own songs while simultaneously learning to play as a band. When F.U.A. had just one song they immediatly performed it live without second thought. The audience really liked the way the band presented itself.
Generally having a good time and doing crazy on stage with easy to remember sing-along songs. F.U.A then quickly started to grow as a small underground punkrock band. The demo released in 2015, while in low quality, was immediately sold-out. Armed with their own style F.U.A. took over the Dutch city of Purmerend as the go-to punkrock band.
With this newly gained popularity the band traveled all-over The Netherlands to perform on many venues, bars and festivals. Mitchell Verschoor joined the band at a later stage and started writing songs specifically for Daphne’s singing. It proved very succesfull after the song ‘Cheers’ became a major turning point for the band. Daphne and Mitchell are mostly behind the lyrics of the songs. This means that alot of different views are taken into the music.
F.U.A was also never shy about themselves and posted all kinds of video’s online. Some were funny moments while others were low-quality videos of shows. They just wanted to share all the good times with the world. Because of this online presence F.U.A. got approached by Italian music producer Corvi Wahoomy, from Realsound Studios and Carlo Bellotti, owner at record label Wormholedeath, in 2016.
Bellotti asked the band for a newer demo. Agreeing to Bellotti’s request the band spend alot of time recording this demo, but the sound was still low quality. Still Bellotti saw alot of potential in F.U.A. as he fell in love with the energy and sound of the band, especially the song "Cheers" .
He wanted the band to record a fully fledged album with Corvi at RealSound Studio in Langhirano, Italy. The band, again agreeing, started writing an entire year and finally entered the studio in January 2018. Working together with talented producers Coruzzi Christian and Corvi Wahoomy, the fruit of the band’s labors have payed off. The album, containing 14 songs, was exactly what everyone had envisioned. With many influences in all kinds of rock.
It's a fast and heavy creation with an unique style unheard of in the world of punk. F.U.A. is planning to release this album on a worldwide scale on the 28th of Septembre, 2018 via Wormholedeath.

Upcoming shows
Cancelled: 20 april 2019 @ Rock Event Winschoten by HQ-Events
5 May 2019 @ Metalcafé De Witte Wolf in Groningen
14 June 2019 @ De Flux in Zaandam
19 October 2019 @ Dinslaken - Walzwerk (DE) - together with Neurotox
Tickets: https://eventim.de
17 August 2019 @ Molla Festival - Norway
Cheers - Official Video
Do you want to be immediately informed of the latest F.U.A. news?
Or do you want to book us? Please contact us!
Mail us: fuaband@gmail.com
Call us : 0622700606