You can find our album 'Socially Transmitted Disease' on Spotify, Youtube, iTunes, in the Aural Music Webstore or scroll down on this page (or visit our merchandise girl at one of our shows!).
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Hi, we are F.U.A.
As you probably know our album ''Socially Transmitted Disease'' is recently released via Wormholedeath. We have been working on this album for almost three years.
And with this album we want to send a warning out into the world, against the dangers of social media. A lot of people are addicted to their phones and computer. The digital drugs we use daily, has taken our social lives in a stranglehold. We ourselves have fallen victim to the addicting digital world. So we decided to fight against it. The album containing 14 songs is a mixture between what we like to hear in music.
Raw powerful emotion and also a lot of fun! We hope you all enjoy our music and can't wait to see you rock at one of our shows!
- F.U.A.

Dutch Rockers F.U.A. are pleased to announce that they have signed with WormHoleDeath
for the release of their debut album "Socially Transmitted Disease".
"Socially Transmitted Disease" has been recorded and mixed at Realsound Studio.
"Socially Transmitted Disease" has been released on 28 September 2018 via
Wormholedeath / Aural Music Group / The Orchard worldwide and will be released on 28 November 2018 via Disk Union Distribution in Japan.

Upcoming shows
Cancelled: 20 april 2019 @ Rock Event Winschoten by HQ-Events
5 May 2019 @ Metalcafé De Witte Wolf in Groningen
14 June 2019 @ De Flux in Zaandam
19 October 2019 @ Dinslaken - Walzwerk (DE) - together with Neurotox
Tickets: https://eventim.de
17 August 2019 @ Molla Festival - Norway
Cheers - Official Video
Do you want to be immediately informed of the latest F.U.A. news?
Or do you want to book us? Please contact us!
Mail us: fuaband@gmail.com
Call us: +31(0)622700606